A Zoo Within A Zoo

A Zoo Within A Zoo

10-7-2000 I was out walking laps on the yard today and saw this guy holding a snake. I asked him about it and he has been catching all kind of critters. He has a couple of lizards, a pair of mice, a rabbit, and the snake. A lot of guys I talk to in here are animal...
A Drop In The Bucket

A Drop In The Bucket

October 5, 2000 Everyone is pissed off because we got our buckets taken away today. Every room was allowed to have one bucket to do laundry in. In here it was a serious luxury. Funny the things you find as necessities here.You let your clothes soak in a bucket then...
Campaign 2000

Campaign 2000

October 3, 2000 The first Presidential Debate of the 2000 campaign was tonight. I was probably one of the few people that watched it in this institution. A lot of guys here figure it doesn’t matter to them because they cannot vote. Even those who are interested...