Fallen Heroes

10-13-2000   It’s Friday the 13th. Time for some ironic reminiscing. It looks like it is going to be a subway series, the Yankees and the Mets. What does this have to do with anything you may think? It brings me back to my childhood when I was a Mets fan....

Holding On

10-12-14 A friend came over to talk to me about something that plagues most people here-the past. Let me get more specific though…love. And let me call this guy “Stinger”. He’ll know who I’m talking about, and so will a few others. They...
Truth In Name Only

Truth In Name Only

10-11-2000 There was an incident in another unit worth telling today. On a little tangent however, I want anyone who reads this in the future to know that these stories are far from credible. I’ll try to give the straight dope when I can, but to get that is rare...
Toe The Line

Toe The Line

10-9-2000 My new celly is about as racist as they come. It’s “nigger this”, and “nigger that” all day. I refuse to join in on his little game though. He’s been harping on the racist tip really hard trying to get me to join in. I can...
A Zoo Within A Zoo

A Zoo Within A Zoo

10-7-2000 I was out walking laps on the yard today and saw this guy holding a snake. I asked him about it and he has been catching all kind of critters. He has a couple of lizards, a pair of mice, a rabbit, and the snake. A lot of guys I talk to in here are animal...