Crime Shrine

Crime Shrine

September 22, 2000 Got some books people sent me today. I had to go pick them up at what they call the property room. I had to cross the yard to get there. I was surprised at some of the comments I received. Thinking back on it now, I don’t know why. What did I...
Bad Company

Bad Company

September 21, 2000 One of my workout partners, Eric, threw a conniption fit today over me not spotting him right. Someone started talking to me while I was spotting him and I wasn’t paying attention enough. True, it’s a serious thing and someone could get...
Deserted Seed

Deserted Seed

September 20, 2000 There has been a lot of talk about this “Angel Tree” program in here. It is a church program that provides presents for children whose parents are in prison. It’s a pretty nice thing to do, obviously. But with this thing going on I...
A Captive Ear

A Captive Ear

September 19, 2000 I got a letter tonight from a friend of mine. She told me a big story I’m pretty sure is a lie. She says she’s a virgin (no, that’s not the part I think is a lie), and ever since I came to prison she has been telling me how bad she...
Crying to Parents to Pay Paul

Crying to Parents to Pay Paul

September 18, 2000 NFL games are a big source of excitement here. Although another rule recited by those who would have you survive prison is don’t gamble, I do it anyway. I only bet a few dollars and, like most, I lose. I do not play anything else. The big...