September 16, 2000

Me and Frank talked about pulling armed robberies all night.

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It got me so hyped up I dreamed about robberies.

I can’t believe that after 13 months in prison that I still think of doing things like that. I have to be honest, it I got out tomorrow, I would probably go back to doing drugs and that would end in me coming right back here. It is very discouraging to me that my longing for drugs and that lifestyle are so strong. So right now I need to be here.  There are very few guys here that are just too dumb to make it out there. But something inside of many of us here needs to be exorcised before we can get to that point.


Do I want to live my life in and out of here?

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No, but I would be lying if  I said I don’t find myself plotting evil often. I’m hoping this 8 or 10 or however many years in here will make me realize that there is a better way. But I’m scared to death it won’t happen.